The Red Orange team works hard for our clients every day to create and deliver quality work with a smile — but even designers need to take time away from the desk sometimes! For our day of relaxation and fun in the summer sun, our whole team caravanned to Virginia Beach to recharge our creative juices with a team building, woodworking session at AR Workshop!

“It was so fulfilling to see everyone coming together to bond and build those connections you can’t always create in an office setting, even one as fun as ours. I also think days like this can enhance company culture in the long run,” said CEO Susie Fife. “It was great seeing the team’s natural talents and creativity come out in their handmade wood creations. We even learned a few things about woodworking along the way!”
The day wouldn’t have been complete without our team brunch hosted by COO Theresa Ceniccola — delicious quiche, sweet fruit and great conversation were in fresh supply! It was only with her and Susie’s thoughtfulness in planning the day that the team was able to bond and laugh over building our charming wood creations. Each piece as unique as its owner, the creations ranged from intricate, decorative wall hangings to modest planter boxes (that have already found a home in the studio). Thanks for everything, Susie and Theresa!
And many thanks to Holly Herndon of AR Workshop Virginia Beach for the great hands-on instruction and good times. Hope to be back there soon!