As April showers bring May flowers, we are excited to announce that our “PIP” seed has officially sprouted! Congratulations to the 2020 PIP Nonprofit Award winner, RVAgriculture (RVAg). From the bottom of our hearts, Red Orange Studio and its PIP partners would like to thank each of the 17 candidates who submitted an application. Your stories were heard and shared, and we are impressed and inspired by the work that you do to make an impact in our communities.
RVAg creates and manages a series of local farmers markets throughout Central Virginia.
They aim to bring local farmers and artisans together to offer consumers high quality, locally made products in convenient locations. Recognizing the complexities of managing six unique markets, the Red Orange team, alongside fellow PIP partners, aims to support and refine the RVAg brand through market research, brand strategy and video production –all pro bono. By evaluating the brand and prioritizing its refresh, we believe this will provide more consistency in RVAg’s visual identity across their collection of markets.

This year’s PIP Project was a milestone year, as the initiative grew to include its first PIP partners. Thanks to the contribution of Feedback, Journey Seven and Good Run Research and Recreation, we are able to increase our impact by expanding the scope of creative services offered to our winning recipient. In addition, the partners also served as a valuable sounding board in the application selection process.
As Feedback kicks the project off with some preliminary market research, Red Orange will be working closely with Journey Seven to produce video and with Good Run Research and Recreation to conduct marketing research to further support RVAg and help meet the project goals. Together, we plan to deliver more than $20,000 worth of services to RVAg.

As we begin our work together, RVAg Executive Director Lisa Dearden said it best:
“When I heard about the PIP award, I knew right away that RVAg would be a great fit. Being in agriculture, I knew what a pip was already…I‘ve been planting seeds for years! Small seeds of hope that are planted in the farmers market world can have far reaching branches; whether it’s the seed of an idea for a recipe that grows into a meal; or the seed that ripens as a new market vendor grows his or her farm stand into a successful flourishing business. Maybe it’s a seed that’s planted in a small child’s head who visited one of our markets with friends or family, and they got bit by the farmers market bug to start their own farmers market business, or to start eating healthier foods.
I am so proud that our nonprofit is the recipient of this year’s PIP award from Red Orange Studio! With six farmers markets, an online marketplace, and educational programs that focus on food and farming, the timing is right for us to refresh our brand and strategize with professionals on how we can inspire others to eat healthier and to support local farmers and producers. I’m confident that together, we can grow the RVAg brand to become a household name within Central Virginia and beyond, and that the seeds we have already sown and continue to sew will bear the fruit of our labor of love for future generations to harvest.”
Now, it’s time to tend the garden. Let’s get to work!
Want to learn more about The PIP Project or our 2021 PIP Non-Profit Award application? Sign up for our email updates!